Logo applications
The use and placement of the logo in the visual identity of Uniarts Helsinki and its academies.
How to use the logo: Uniarts Helsinki
Logotype and the X sign
For Uniarts Helsinki’s visual identity, the university logotype and the X sign can be used flexibly.

Please note that the logotype and the X sign must always be visible on the main surface of the application.
How to use the logo: positioning and cropping
The logo can be positioned freely as necessary for the application in question, but only the logotype can be positioned at different angles. The X sign must always be horizontal. In other words, the X sign must never be tilted.

How to use the emblem: positioning and use of the X sign
The X sign can be separated from the logotype and placed freely on the application.
Alternatives for positioning and using the X sign

Examples of defective use

How to use the emblem: positioning and size


Examples of defective use

How to use the emblem: examples of defective use

Merger message
If space allows, the merger message should be included in all applications of the Uniarts Helsinki visual image.
The merger message must be written like this: Uniarts Helsinki = Academy of Fine Arts + Sibelius Academy + Theatre Academy

Visual identity applications: the academies
How to use the emblem: logotypes and the X sign
In the academies’ visual images, the academy emblems are used in their basic form or, if the space allows, the academy logotype and the X Academy signature can be separated to highlight Uniarts Helsinki.
Some examples

Please note that the academy logotype and the “X Academy” signature must always be present in the application’s main surface.
How to use the emblem: positioning and cropping
The logotype can be positioned freely as necessary for the application in question. When the logotype is positioned in different angles, the X Academy must be separated. When the logotype is tilted, the X Academy signature must be horizontal. In other words, the X Academy signature must never be tilted.
Some examples:

The logotype wording is upwards and separate and the X Academy signature is vertical. The logotype can be cropped.

How to use the emblem: positioning of the X academy signature
Positioning of the X Academy signature
The X Academy signature can be positioned in the application flexibly so that it follows the positioning of the logotype.

The X Academy signature should never be used without an academy logotype.
How to use the emblem: the size and proportions of of the X academy signature
The X Academy signature must be clearly visible and visually in balance with the academy logotype.

How to use the emblem: examples of defective use